Orders are shipped within 1-4 business days, stock permitting. Please allow for a couple of extra days during sales and holidays. Once your order has been processed and shipped, we'll send a shipping confirmation with the tracking number. Most orders arrive between 2 and 10 business days after being shipped. Orders are shipped via USPS, with delivery confirmation.
DELIVERY TIME is based on two factors: date shipped, and your selected delivery method. Delivery method options are automatically calculated based on the weight of your package. If your package is over the First Class limit, only Priority Mail* rate will be offered.
***PRIORITY MAIL: 1-DAY, 2-DAY or 3-DAY: This is an estimate of when your package will arrive after it's processed & shipped, not from the date your order is placed. (See above for up to date current processing/shipping estimates.)
If you are concerned about your package arriving by a certain date, please let us know and we'll do our best to accommodate you.
Please allow for a little extra time during sales & holidays. Orders that include pre-order items will ship when the pre-orders ship.
Free Shipping on orders over $90 (USA only)